How to be TikTok famous: the 11 key strategies for success (2025)

Outlines how to be TikTok famous, with in-depth and simple strategies for success on the TikTok social media platform, with tips for your profile, generating likes, collaborating, and taking advantage of trends and hype.

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TikTok is a social media platform for creative content creators with a focus on music and dance.But there is also a place for small skits, short tutorials and acrobatic tricks.Everything is recorded directly in the app and edited with ease.

It is great fun to browse through countless clips on TikTok and it is even more fun to be active on TikTok yourself.Due to the short video length, you can create incredibly entertaining videos in a relatively short time.

But these little masterpieces also need to be seen, commented on and shared as a crucial part of how to get TikTok views, how to get Tiktok followers, how to get Tiktok likes … essentially, how to get TikTok famous!

So what do you have to do to be successful on TikTok?Grab your popcorn and make yourself comfortable because it starts right away.

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How to be TikTok famous: the 11 key strategies for success (1)

Before you start

It is best to think about what you personally enjoy most beforetakingthe very first step.What topic do you have the most ideas on?What do you want to make clips of?Is dancing your passionDo you like to show yourself in cosplay?Do you have great ideas for lip syncing?Do you find it easy to put funny ideas on lyrics?Do you like to do quick gags?Just go a little inside and you will soon find something that will be YOUR strength for great clips.

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How to be TikTok famous: Beginning is easy!

To get started, of course, you first have to download and install the app from the official Appstore or Playstore.Once you’ve done that, you open the app.You will be greeted with a video clip and you have the option of swiping up to view more clips.But that’s not what we’re here for today!The profile icon at the bottom right is more interesting, tap it.

On the next page you have the option of registering via email address, mobile phone number or one of your social media accounts.The data that you have to enter when registering include your date of birth, email address OR telephone number, your desired password and, after a little captcha test (you know, these “picture puzzles” with which you can prove that you have a Are human) you did it!

How to be TikTok famous: Have an appealing profile

How to be TikTok famous: the 11 key strategies for success (2)

Sooner or later your viewers will “dive deeper” on your profile.Why?
Quite simply, your future fan would like to know what other videos you’ve made and maybe want to learn a little more about you.So that you can turn a potential fan into a real fan, your profile should look accordingly appealing, and this is a key factor in how to get likes on TikTok.

The very first impression that the viewers of your clips get is the combination of name and profile picture.Take enough time to come up with a suitable name and avoid combinations of letters, special characters and numbers such as ^R1€KR0LL^ or similar.After all, you want to be remembered, or could you just now think out of your head how exactly one would write our example?

Note the difference between “Display Name” and “Username”.The “Display Name” (the little picture with the name tag) can be changed as often as you like.This name is at the top of your profile.The “Username” is the name that is provided with an @.This can only be changed every 30 days and it is important that other users can link you.So much for the names.

You actually have a lot of freedom with your profile photo, but overall it should fit your content.Do you make silly videos?Then take a silly picture with a grimace!Do you do cool dance choreographies?Then a grimace would not fit.For example, a photo with a particularly strong dance pose would be better chosen.

Well, your name and photo are in place – now we come to the finer details of your profile page.First the column “Bio”, ie biography.There you can write anything you want about yourself.Are there any facts worth knowing that you would like to share?Off to the bio!Just want to say hello or tell a joke?Good as well.It just has to fit the overall picture.The only important thing here is that you don’t beg for subscriptions, etc., that is absolutely not well received!

However, how you can get subscriptions – on other social media platforms – is with the help of the link function.There you can easily connect your Instagram and YouTube accounts to TikTok.To do this, simply click on “Add your Instagram” or “Add your YouTube”.

A window opens in which you log in to the respective platform and then confirm that you want to connect your accounts.Don’t worry, TikTok can use it to access information, but does not get the access data.You only allow TikTok to integrate your profile and enable functions such as “share”.

How to be TikTok famous: The optimal experience

Unlike platforms like YouTube and Instagram, where image quality is extremely important, with TikTok you don’t have to pay too much attention to it.But this is also due to the image compression of TikTok, i.e. the saving of file sizes.Nevertheless, it is never wrong to shoot with the best camera possible!Maybe your family or friends will lend you a smartphone for a few clips?

What should definitely be right is the tone.Choose your background music carefully to create the most harmonious overall picture!If you want to use your own sound, it is best to use an external cell phone microphone, as most built-in microphones are anything but good.

How to be TikTok famous: Clips…Lots of clips

You may not be able to upload a new clip every day, but you should try to produce content as often as possible.After all, TikTok is a gigantic platform that is not easy to be seen on.With a steady stream of great clips, you increase your chances of being seen.

The positive side effect of this is that potential fans who first look at your profile instead of following you directly from the clip can see straight away that it is worth following you.That way you won’t be forgotten and who knows, maybe the next clip of yours will be the next viral hit?

How to be TikTok famous: Be creative and unique

How to be TikTok famous: the 11 key strategies for success (3)

Let’s not kid ourselves, sooner or later you will see the same video on TikTok, just by different people and implemented a little differently.This is potentially not a bad thing.It is certainly not wrong to be inspired by a video and to give the idea its own touch, but in the end an original remains an original.

As mentioned above, you want to stand out from the crowd and you can do that mainly because your videos are unique.If you are based on an existing idea, then don’t just revise it.Make something special out of it!For example, you could add to it by turning an individual choreography into a group dance number or parodying a trend.Come up with something and do something that others haven’t done yet!

How to be TikTok famous: Use hashtags!

What used to be called a diamond is now the hashtag.With this you simply bind and mark keywords to make your own contributions easier to find.Hashtags are particularly widespread on Twitter and Instagram, but slowly but surely they have also found their way into YouTube.

Hashtags are also big on TikTok.Since the clip ad is generally more and less random, you can use hashtags to keep viewers stumbling across your video.For example, if you like the keyword “baby animals”, sooner or later you will tap #babies in a post.If you’ve tagged your own suitable post with the same hashtag, sooner or later viewers will come across your video.

With hashtags you can also give wonderful information!For example, you could use #freetoduet to make it clear to everyone that they are welcome to use your clip for a duet – more on the topic in a short moment 😉 You can also learn about challenges or other trends via hashtags anduse them for your own shoot.

In general, it is never a bad idea to take a look at the hashtags.Which videos are trending right now and which hashtags are they using?A little analysis can quickly help you move a little closer to the trend.

How to be TikTok famous: Never be still!

What we’re getting at: Interact with the users!Leave great comments on other clips.What are great comments?They should stand out and be useful!Nobody just wants to read “lol” or “boring”, but you are happy to receive really serious praise and helpful and constructive criticism.

Avoid simply advertising your own videos, because those who find your comments sympathetic or helpful will also like to see who is hiding behind the comment.We did the test ourselves.With our test account, we couldn’t get a visitor for days, despite several videos and decent hashtags.But hardly from when we got actively involved in the community, the first people started to trust our profile.Most helpful for your growth is to comment on videos specifically,

What can also be used wonderfully is the direct message.You can also send them a direct message on the profiles of other TikTok users, which is indicated by the icon of a letter.However, you have to note that not all accounts have this function activated, you will see this at the latest when you receive an error message.But if you allow it, just say hello or just ask if you would like to watch a video together!

But always be friendly and don’t just do clumsy advertising.But why only be active on TikTok?Let your fans and followers know on the other social networks like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter.Call your fans to follow you and regularly post your latest clips on your other social media accounts.You can do this, for example, using the TikTok connection function or simply using the “Share” button.You want people to know about you, so you have to get the ball rolling!

How to be TikTok famous: Use TikTok’s tools for collaboration!

One hand washes the other, as the saying goes, and this saying also has a true core.In addition to the duet function, TikTok also offers a feature that was seen earlier on YouTube and can still be seen today as a popular YouTube format: Reactions.In the past, you could post a video response to clips on YouTube yourself, so that the content creator was also informed – a video comment, so to speak, that runs on your own channel.

Today it is more or less still in the form of reaction videos.These often have titles like “My reaction to this years’ NYE fireworks video” or “Max Hampton reacts to Maxine Gold’s Video”.Such videos work almost on a meta level as you are looking at people who are watching a video and reacting to it and giving their opinions.

As I said, TikTok itself has a function for such formats.With this you can create and share your own reaction clips on cool stunts or videos that went completely wrong.The benefit to your growth is that the fans of the original clip can meet you and become your fans if you entertain them.Especially with clips from the trends, this is a very helpful way to let your number of fans grow.Unfortunately, it’s easy to overlook this function, but once you know it’s no problem and we’ll go into it in a moment.

Now to the aforementioned duet function. Despite the otherwise very simple interface of TikTok, the duet function is a bit hidden.You can find this under clips that allow it (some people don’t want this and switch it off in the data protection settings) in the “Share” or sub-function.This is the symbol with the 3 connected dots.There you will find the functions that are important to you in the lower row

“Duet” and “Reaction”!If you choose a duet, the process of making a clip is identical to the normal function of creating a Tiktok.Seen in this way, it is not difficult to do a duet at all, you only have to see the function once.You can be creative and, for example, play with the division of the screen or pretend that your duo partner can influence your room from a distance.If in doubt, just get a little inspiration from the “For You Page”.

As with normal TikTok clips, matching hashtags are extremely important so that your video can be found.Hashtags that are always very popular would be “Boy,” Girl, “Feature” or “Talent”.

What can achieve even more reach in terms of the duet function is to create a video on which OTHERS should do a duet.This works particularly well with songs that have multiple voices or clips where you play with the screen border.Examples of this would be dragging the potential duo partner through the screen, pushing or kissing him.There are entire chains of duets in which more than 5 TikTok users participate.With the right idea, your name and face will quickly get around!

How to be TikTok famous: Trends and hype

We advise again and again that the key to success is uniqueness, but trends, challenges and other hyped topics are really practical as advertising media.The corresponding hashtags make the big round and the viewers want to see more of them to a certain extent – but at some point the trend is worn out.If you want to stand out from the crowd, it is important that you don’t ONLY deal with trends, but publish a cool video about a hype every now and then.

As always, make sure that you find your own spin on the topic and not just shoot the same video that millions of other users have made before you.Otherwise you will be wiped away very quickly – swipe up and bye.

In our experience, the golden rule is that you should mainly create and publish your clips, but should always observe which trends are currently big.Think of ONE really good idea and implement it, so you will remain surprising and competitive!

How to be TikTok famous: Holidays and other specialties

Similar to the trends and the hype, the different seasons and holidays, as well as other special events – the release of a big film, game, etc. – offer a good opportunity to hit the nerve of the times.Are there colorful autumn leaves outside?Do what with itThe first snow falls?Come up with something surprising, like dancing as a snowman or even a dance battle between Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny.Special moments in the year are a successful change for your normal content and usually always on the front page, through which you can gain the most hits.Definitely try it once, Christmas is only once a year.

Our conclusion for how to be TikTok famous

We recommend starting directly with these tips.We can often update our notification page every second and always see new likes and comments.That motivates and is fun and above all it shows that we are not just showing you empty theory, but that every piece of advice in this article comes from practice.
We wish you a lot of fun in your career on TikTok and hope to see your next big viral hit soon. Good luck and have fun at TikTok!

How to be TikTok famous: the 11 key strategies for success (4) Nathan James lives for gaming, and is a fan of everything from vintage Pong to the latest virtual reality games. He also loves to tinker with hardware in that never-ending search for more power and speed.

How to be TikTok famous: the 11 key strategies for success (2025)
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Name: Arielle Torp

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Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.